Mohamad Tawfik Al Tahawy
Chief Operating Officer
Mohamad Al Tahawy has been working at The Securities House since 1998. Prior to occupying his current post as the Chief Operating Officer, he served in various capacities as the Chief Financial Officer, Head of Internal Audit, Head of Corporate Finance and advisor to the board. He is currently responsible for overseeing a wide range of the company’s departments and the international real estate investment advisory in addition to his membership of the company's executive committee.
Prior to joining The Securities House, Mr. Al Tahawy worked at KPMG and Ernst & Young and has an extensive accounting knowledge of a diversified set of activities including investment, finance, trading, contracting and manufacturing. He holds a MBA from the UK in addition to designations as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Certified Valuation Analyst (CVA), Certified Internal Auditor (CVA), Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and Certified Financial Manager (CFM).
Mr. Al Tahawy also acts as a director of Gatehouse Capital KSCC.